Reservations are made on a first-come first-serve basis and are tentative until "secured" with a non-refundable deposit and signed contract. Once the deposit is received, Sunset Cinema's services are guaranteed on your selected date.
You may tentatively reserve your dates without the deposit payment, but it is subject to cancellation if another customer selects the same date and submits the deposit payment. Sunset Cinema of Princeton, LLC will notify you immediately in that circumstance.
A 50% deposit is due at the time the contract is signed. The balance is due at the event prior to the movie being shown. Checks, money orders or cashier checks are acceptable forms of payment.
Weather Guarantee
Your organization may shift event dates due to forecasted inclement weather. Sunset Cinema of Princeton, LLC will accommodate you with its first available open date. No additional charges will be applied if the event date is shifted prior to our staff beginning travel to your venue.
Sunset Cinema of Princeton, LLC reserves the right to delay departure from our office or en route if dangerous weather conditions exist and could cause harm to our staff or equipment. The Company will keep the Customer informed of any delays. In the rare occurrence the Company must cancel, the Customer will be guaranteed one make-up event.
If the weather looks threatening (imminent rain, rain, looming thunder clouds, dangerous winds capable of damaging equipment) Sunset Cinema reserves the right to protect its own equipment by canceling setup/production. We also reserve the right to delay setup or pause the production until suitable weather conditions exist.
For all outdoor events, if inclement weather prevents the complete screening of the film (where less than 75% of the film is presented) Sunset Cinema will guarantee your organization one make-up event within the current year or the following year. A predetermined Weather Related Cancellation Fee and travel expenses will be charged to cover employee time and equipment use for the make-up event. Payment of travel costs and the Weather Related Cancellation Fee will be due at the make-up event. If the make-up event is cancelled due to weather, Sunset Cinema of Princeton, LLC will have fulfilled all obligations to your organization.
Ratings & Formats
Because we encourage wholesome family entertainment, film selections with ratings of G, PG or PG-13 are preferred. Movies with R ratings should be discussed with Sunset Cinema management prior to licensing the movie. Rated X movies are not permissible. Sunset Cinema must be notified 14 days prior to the event of the title selected. The selected film must be available on DVD or Blu-ray in widescreen format. Some filmmakers, such as Disney, have limited dates as to when their films can be screened in an outdoor setting. Please ask our staff about Disney Windows prior to selecting a title.
Film Licensing
All non-theatrical screenings legally require a license obtained by your community or organization. Licensing fees will vary due to movie titles, audience size and the nature of the event. It is advisable to contact one of these licensing agencies as soon as your event date is confirmed. The film licensing company may provide a copy of the movie to use at the event.
Swank Motion Pictures, Inc.
Swank Motion Pictures, Inc. founded in 1937, is the major non-theatrical movie distribution
and public performance licensing agent in venues where feature movies are shown publicly.
201 S. Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63103-2579
Phone: 1-800-876-5577
Movie Licensing USA
Movie Licensing USA provides one-time and annual Public Performance Site Licenses so that schools
(kindergarten through 12th grade) can show movies legally for non-teaching activities.
201 South Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63103-2579
Phone: 1-877-321-1300
Criterion, USA Inc.
8238-40 Lehigh
Morton Grove, Illinois
Tel: 1-847-470- 8164
Toll Free: 1-800-890-9494
Fax- 1- 847-470-8194